Topics Basel III

Grant Thornton Abu Timam Managing Partner Raza Ashraf on Oman’s economic situation
Raza Ashraf is a Managing Partner for Grant Thornton Abu Timam, a leading auditing and consulting firm in Oman. He spoke with The Prospect Group about the industries that are ...
Bank Nizwa CEO Jamil Ak El Jaroudi on the establishment of Bank Nizwa
Jamil Ak El Jaroudi is the CEO of Bank Nizwa, which will be Oman's first dedicated Islamic bank providing all Shari'a compliant products and services. He spoke with The Prospe...
TISCO Group Chief Executive Oranuch Apisaksirikul on Thailand’s banking sector
Oranuch Apisaksirikul is the Group Chief Executive of TISCO Group, the first investment bank in Thailand. She spoke with The Prospect Group about the dynamic between local, fo...
Oman Arab Bank CEO Abdul Kader Askalan on banking sector developments in Oman
Abdul Kader Askalan is the CEO of Oman Arab Bank, one of the largest banks in Oman. He spoke with The Prospect Group about Oman Arab Bank’s role in extending project fi...
Central Bank of Colombia Deputy Technical Governor Hernando Vargas on the state of the Colombian economy
Hernando Vargas is the Deputy Technical Governor of Banco de la Republica, the Central Bank of Colombia. He spoke with The Prospect Group about the consequences the expansion ...