Topics Retail Banking

FGB’s strategic direction mirroring the UAE’s economic growth and diversification
FGB is the leading bank in the UAE by net profits. The Prospect Group spoke with FGB’s André Sayegh (CEO), Hana Al Rostamani (Head of Consumer Banking), and Simon Pe...
Bank Nizwa CEO Jamil Ak El Jaroudi on the establishment of Bank Nizwa
Jamil Ak El Jaroudi is the CEO of Bank Nizwa, which will be Oman's first dedicated Islamic bank providing all Shari'a compliant products and services. He spoke with The Prospe...
TISCO Group Chief Executive Oranuch Apisaksirikul on Thailand’s banking sector
Oranuch Apisaksirikul is the Group Chief Executive of TISCO Group, the first investment bank in Thailand. She spoke with The Prospect Group about the dynamic between local, fo...
Al Hilal Bank Group CEO Mohamed Jamil Berro on the state of the banking sector in the UAE
Mohamed Jamil Berro is the Group CEO of Al Hilal Bank, an Islamic bank owned by the UAE Government. He spoke with The Prospect Group about new legislation, projections for bon...